Cookie Policy


Cookies and their management

Cookies consist of portions of code installed in the browser that assist the owner in providing the service according to the purposes described. Some of the cookie installation purposes may also require the user's consent. The user can manage cookie preferences directly within his browser and prevent - for example - third parties from installing them. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to delete the cookies installed in the past, including the cookie in which the consent to the installation of cookies by this site is eventually saved. It is important to note that by disabling all cookies, the functioning of this site may be compromised. The User can find information on how to manage cookies in his browser at the following addresses: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple Safari and Microsoft Internet Explorer..
In the case of services provided by third parties, the User can also exercise his right to object to tracking by inquiring through the third party's privacy policy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Data Controller informs that the User can take advantage of the facilitative guide "your online choices". Through this service it is possible to manage the tracking preferences of most advertising tools. The Owner therefore recommends that Users use this resource in addition to the information provided in this document.

How consent is given

The user can express his consent as indicated in the banner, that is:

- by performing a scroll down action;
- by clicking on one of the internal links on the page;
- by clicking (preferably) on the «I agree» button.

Technical cookies

This site uses cookies to save the user's session and to carry out other activities that are strictly necessary for its operation, for example in relation to the distribution of traffic. This site uses cookies to save browsing preferences and to optimize the user's browsing experience. These cookies include, for example, those for setting the language and currency or for the management of statistics by the owner of the site.

Technical cookies used on the site:

Cookie Description Duration
 PrivacyCookie It allows you to memorize the user's choice regarding whether or not to accept the policy  It expires after 365 days. The expiration date is initialized at each access to the site.
 ASP.NET_SessionID Cookie used to maintain the session not persistent, it is deleted when the browser is closed.
 _ga Cookies used by Google Analytics to distinguish users Expires after 2 years.
_gid   Cookies used by Google Analytics to distinguish users Expires after 24 hours
 _gat_gtag_UAxxxxxxx_xx  Cookie used to limit the number of requests It expires after 1 minute.
 __atuvc  Cookie used by AddThis plugin  It expires after 1 year.
 __atuvs  Cookie used by AddThis plugin  It expires after 30 minutes.

First-party profiling cookies

This site does not directly use cookies for user profiling.

Description of the purposes of third-party cookies

This site uses the following third party services. In particular:

  • Social applications
    These services allow the website to draw on your profile data on social networks, and to interact with your post. These services are not activated automatically, but require explicit authorization from the user.

    Access to the Twitter account
    This service allows this site to connect with the user's account on the social network Twitter, provided by Twitter, Inc. Personal data collected: Various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service. Place of treatment: USA – Privacy Policy

    Accesso all'account Facebook
    Questo servizio permette a questo sito di connettersi con l'account dell'Utente sul social network Facebook, fornito da Facebook, Inc. Permessi richiesti: Email, Gestione delle pagine e Insight. Luogo del trattamento : USA – Privacy Policy

  • Interaction with external social networks and platforms
    These services allow you to interact with social networks, or with other external platforms, directly from the pages of the site. The interactions and information acquired from this site are in any case subject to the user's privacy settings relating to each social network. In the event that an interaction service with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if users do not use the service, the same collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed.

    Twitter Tweet button and social widgets
    The Tweet button and Twitter social widgets are interaction services with the Twitter social network, provided by Twitter Inc. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. Place of treatment: USA - Privacy Policy

    Like button and Facebook social widgets
    The "Like" button and Facebook social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. Place of treatment: USA - Privacy Policy

    Addthis buttons
    This service allows this site to connect with the User's account on various social platforms. Personal data collected: various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service. Place of treatment: USA– Privacy Policy

  • Statistics
    The services contained in this section allow the data controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to keep track of User behavior.

    Google Analytics
    Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. Google uses the personal data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this site, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google. Google may use personal data to contextualize and personalize the advertisements of its advertising network. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. Place of treatment: USA – Privacy PolicyOpt Out

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This website uses cookies, which could include also third party cookies, to provide services in line with your preferences. To find out more or deny consent to the placing of all or some cookies, click here. By closing this banner, scrolling down this page, or clicking on any item on this page, you agree to the use of cookies.

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