We use experienced consultants, who in most cases have worked many years for Lancaster. Consultants are continuously in the field for Lancaster, with different specialisms and language capabilities.
We have one Aberdeen based consultant, Elizabeth Gammack. Elizabeth has over 30 years of great experience in all areas of upstream oil accounting and control, and since becoming an Associate for us has carried out important audits for Lancaster Consulting.
Later in 2021 we expect Elizabeth to be joined by our first employee.
Among our trusted Associates we have a US licensed lawyer whose international E&P experience includes managing Anti-bribery & Corruption audits as part of the audit investigation counsel teams for major oil industry service providers.
Partner Consultancy
Our partner for technical support is Metscooil, based in Geneva. Metscooil is an upstream technical services and new business development consultancy. This alliance is mutually beneficial for us and our clients. We receive technical support as required, and Metscooil receive accounting & controlling support for their projects. Some of our clients are shared.